Spoonleaf Sundew

Drosera intermedia

Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf Sundew Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf Sundew

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Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf Sundew Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf Sundew

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Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf Sundew Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf Sundew

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Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf Sundew Drosera intermedia Spoonleaf Sundew

Spoonleaf Sundew is one of our carnivorious plants. Note that the stems of the leaves are quite long compared to Dwarf Sundew and Pink Sundew. Also, the leaves themselves are raised well above the ground instead of lying essentially flat as do the leaves of Dwarf and Pink Sundew. Spoonleaf Sundew is more likely to be found in standing water than are the other sundews. It is the only sundew likely to found floating in a beaver pond, as in the last two photos.

These plants were photographed near Old Citronelle Road, in North Mobile County, in late September.

Droseraceae - Sundew family

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